Good morning, it is Thursday, August 29th, 2024. Today is the memorial of the beheading of John the Baptist.
On the program:
Ford announces it is ending its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives
Ford stock price: F 0.00%↑
Lowe’s stock price: LOW 0.00%↑
Tractor Supply stock price: TSCO 0.00%↑Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will still be on the ballot in Michigan despite dropping out of the race
Construction projects will be paused and orange barrels moved tomorrow afternoon in MI
Local weather for Detroit and Saginaw
Plus: Discerning God’s plan
[T]o endure temporal agonies for the sake of the truth was not a heavy burden for such men as John; rather it was easily borne and even desirable, for he knew eternal joy would be his reward.
- St. Bede the Venerable -
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